Teaching socail (soft) skills to kids, students: how to combat stereotypes, prejudice and byas or to help inclusion and tolerace in the society

Hősök Tere Foundation is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that was founded 10 years ago based on Philip Zimbardo's International  initiative, the Heroic Imagination Project. Our mission is to fight against indifference,  encourage everyday people to become everyday heroes, to be able to stand up for themselves and for others. We organize trainings, workshops, campaigns for teachers, students, parents and corporations to enhance cooperation, solidarity and promote active participation in the society.

Our focus areas:
1) Developing Growth mindset,
2) Combating “bystander effect”
3) Combating stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination,
    but we are also working with bullying and climate anxiety topics, which are related to the bystander effect.

In Erasmus+ we are looking for partners to further explore these social and personal skill education areas to apply, develop, or share best practices or to develop new informal and non-formal education methods. We have a network of schools we are working with in Hungary, and we are looking for educational institutes, schools, universities or civil organizations abroad who are interested in these areas. 

INSTITUTION Hősök Tere Foundation
TYPE OF INSTITUTION Non-profit association
CONTACT NAME Adrienn Misinszki
CONTACT E-MAIL adrienn.misinszki@hosoktere.org
NAME OF THE PROGRAMME Erasmus+ / Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (KA2)
PROJECT TOPIC Teaching socail (soft) skills to kids, students: how to combat stereotypes, prejudice and byas or to help inclusion and tolerace in the society